That Ugly Gray Metal Called Beryllium
“You notice the first of these as soon as you pick it up; it’s just two-thirds the density of aluminum. At the same time it’s six times stiffer than steel.”
Amaranth and the Fremont
“These plants grow extremely well in cool dry climates such as we find in Millard County.”
A Possible Nineteenth Century Conspiracy Theory?
“The United States is preparing for war. The supposed enemy is a dictator ruling with absolute authority over a nation of religious fundamentalists who think that God will support them in their illegal actions.”
C.D. Walcott and Millard County’s Wheeler Shale
“It is impossible to over-estimate the influence and prestige of Walcott: Hintze calls him ‘the father of Cambrian paleontology and stratigraphy in North America.’”
Early Man in Millard County
“9000 years ago it was the shoreline of Lake Bonneville, a place where ancient man lived, built simple shelters, and harvested the bounty of the surrounding marsh-lands and lake.”
Earthquakes and the Great Basin
“Though harmful and feared, earthquakes are necessary for our earthly existence.“
Etienne Provost
“[. . .] he never knew; he died a year later, oblivious to the fact that a town out West had been given his name.”
Extinction: An Archaeological perspective
“ [. . .] as many as 2,000 species of mammals, birds, and reptiles are beyond recovery and at the verge of extinction right now.“
Great Basin Museum Receives a Major Fossil and Mineral Donation
“Some of the fossils are rare, including some large, beautiful examples of Pennsylvanian age, tree bark, roots, rootlets, leaves and reproductive cones from extinct Lycopod trees as well as some attractive Pennsylvanian ferns.”
Human Trafficking in Human Beings on the Old Spanish Trail
“On January 31, 1852 the Utah territorial legislature passed a law prohibiting the slave trade.”